Wed, Nov 13
|Psychodrama New Jersey
Psychodrama Workshop: Bring a friend
This experiential workshop provides an in‐depth introduction to the principles and applications of psychodrama. The majority of workshop time will be devoted to experiential learning and skills building exercises.
Time & Location
Nov 13, 2019, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Psychodrama New Jersey, 220 Monmouth Rd, Oakhurst, NJ 07755, USA
About the event
This experiential workshop provides an in-depth introduction to the principles and applications of psychodrama. Psychodrama blends with many expressive and clinical approaches, providing practical tools for many settings. A truly holistic approach, psychodrama aims to bring mind, body, spirit into improved functionality as a core goal of treatment.
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Verbalize an understanding of basic psychodramatic theory (i.e. sociometry, role, creativity & spontaneity theory).
- Discuss some aspects of psychodrama philosophy i.e. Catharsis of integration, “here & now”, child development, etc.
- Demonstrate an understanding of warm-up, action, and sharing.
- Demonstrate an understanding of doubling and role reversal techniques.
- Discuss how psychodrama techniques can be utilized with different clinical modalities (i.e. individuals, families, couples, or groups)
- Discuss how psychodrama can be utilized/adapted for a specific clinical issue (i.e. grief, trauma, etc.)
Primary Trainer: Scottie Urmey, LCSW, TEP
Psychodrama New Jersey, LLC 732‐686‐9427 psychodramanewjersey@gmail.com
Faculty Trainer: Ron Collier, LCSW, TEP
Psychodrama New Jersey, LLC
Scottie & Ron frequently, but not always, co-lead trainings and workshops together. This psychodrama workshop will be presented by one or both of the trainers above depending on the number of participants registered for the workshop.
Continuing Education Credits & Training Hours:
Certification Hours
All hours of this workshop may be counted towards the Clinical Practitioner certification (C.P.) as approved by the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy. www.Psychodramacertification.org
Social Work Continuing Education This course, Psychodrama Workshop, Approval #180905-0243, provided by Psychodrama New Jersey, is approved for continuing education by the New Jersey Social Work Continuing Education Approval Collaborative, which is administered by NASW-NJ. CE Approval Collaborative Approval Period: August 28, 2018 through August 31, 2020. Social workers will receive three (3) clinical continuing education hours for participating in this course.
Accommodations: We hope to create a safe, supportive, and positive learning environment. Workshops include students and professionals with education and expertise from various fields. Some participants may be seeking additional training hours toward psychodrama certification while others seeking professional development or advanced skills. Psychodrama workshops use an adult learning model, intended to be less hierarchical, so education and learning flows from all available resources. To inquire into accomodations for special needs or disability please contact Scottie Urmey, 732‐221‐7306, LScottUrmeyLCSW@comcast.net
Grievances: If anyone is left unsatisfied with the program or instruction, they may contact Scottie Urmey, LScottUrmeyLCSW@comcast.net
Refunds: Full refunds are given for cancellations made 48 hours before the workshop is set to begin. Cancellations made within 48 hours of the workshop start time will be refunded minus $20 cancellation fee. Refund requests should be submitted in writing and directed to Scottie Urmey, LScottUrmeyLCSW@comcast.net.
$75.00Sale ended